Delicious Sponge Fruit Cake

Delicious Sponge Fruit Cake

Delicious Sponge Fruit Cake recipe by M Bilal Farooq at Hellow dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Delicious Sponge Fruit Cake recipe tips hear.
1 cup Self rising flour (if u don't have self rising flour at home u can make it by using this ratio : 1 cup all purpose flour, 1 1/3 teaspoons baking powder, 1/3 teaspoon salt),3 eggs,3/4 cup Sugar,3/4 cup vegetable oil,Dry fruits (plums, apricots, peels etc).Vanilla essence 1 tspn,Milk 3 tspns.
Beat eggs well, add in the sugar and beat till it turns creamy,Then add in the veg. oil and continue to beat the mixture.Then add in vanilla essence, the dry fruits, and a little milk.Fold in the self raising flour and mix well with a wooden spoon.Preheat the baking oven.Grease a non stick baking pan, and sprinkle a little flour on it, tap off the excess,Pour in the cake mixture into the pan and bake at 180C (350 F) for 45 mins.Remove from the pan and cool on a wired rack.After that cut into slices and serve hot for tea.Please keep watching our website


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