Spicy Russian Salad

Spicy Russian Salad

Spicy Russian Salad by Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Spicy Russian Salad recipe tips hear.
2potatoes,1cup peas,1apples,2carrots,smoked chicken 150grm,2tb spoons lemon juice,4tb spoon mayonnaise,salt and pepper,few pieces of pine appl,full cream yogurt400grms.
Boil potatoes,peas and carrots separately untill they become tender.cut apple carrot and potato into small cubes along the pine apple pieces and pour the lemon juice over it.gently mix these vegetables and fruits and add small cubes of smoked chiken.then add all the mixture in a bowl of yogurt and stir well.serve cold. Please keep watching our website www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com



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