Sweet Shrimp Pakoras

Sweet Shrimp Pakoras

Sweet Shrimp Pakoras recipe by M Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Sweet Shrimp Pakoras recipe tips hear.
Prawns, peeled 500 gms.Yogurt 300 ml.Gram flour 170 gms.Chili powder 2 tsps.Mustard powder ½ tsp.Lemon ½ no.Onion 1 no.Oil For deep frying,Salt 1 tsp.
Put the yogurt in a bowl and sieve the gram flour and keep aside.Add gram flour(baisan) to the yogurt and keep beating it with a fork to mix it well.Stir in the mustard powder, chili powder and salt and mix well.Sqeeze lemon juice of the ½ lemon in the baisan yogurt flour mixture.Peel, chop and paste the onions and mix it with the batter.Put the batter in a bowl, cover it and refrigerate for 2 hours.Heat oil in a deep frying pan and coat each prawn with the batter and fry until golden brown.Drain the fried prawns on tissue or any paper so as to remove the excess oil.Serve hot.Please keep watching our website www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com



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