Creamy Banana Split


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Creamy Banana Split

Creamy Banana Split recipe by M Bilal Farooq at Hellow dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a ammazing Creamy Banana Split recipe tips hear.
Pound cake (cut into pieces),1 can of sweetened condenced milk,1 cup of whole milk,2 8oz tub of whipped cream,1 can of pinneapple,2-3 bannanas,1 can of cherries.
In a medium deep tray make one layer of pound cake pieces.Pour whole milk on each piece of cake.Now pour sweetened condenced milk all over.Put pieces of pinneapple and bananaClick to find more about banana and cover the whole tray.Spread the whipped cream all over and make a thick layer that cover all the fruits.Now do the whole process again as above.On top decorate it with cherries.Put it in a refrigerator as soon as it done, and leave it for atleast 2-3 hours. For best results leave it for 5 hours.The best thing for this reciepe is that " YOU DON'T HAVE TO COOK".Make it before you cook your food and when you finish eating, your dessert is waiting for you.Please keep watching our website


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