Delicious Mango Muffin


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Delicious Mango Muffin

Delicious Mango Muffin recipe by M Bilal Farooq at Hellow dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Delicious Mango Muffin recipe tips hear.
1 cup caster suger,1 egg, at room temperature,1 cup selfraising flour, sifted,2 tablespoon melted butter.2 tablespoon milk,1/2 cup mango pulp,1 teaspoon vanilla extract,
Preheat oven to 200 degree c.Grease a 6 hole muffin pan.using an electric mixer beat eggs, suger, vanilla extrect and butter until combine.Stir in flour with a large spoon, add mango pulp into mixture. Spoon batter into muffin holes until three quarters full.Bake muffins for 20-25 minute or until a skewer inserted into the centre come out clean stand in pan for five minute.Now its ready to eat.Please keep watching our website


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