Delicious Rice Balls


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Delicious Rice Balls

Delicious Rice Balls recipe by M Bilal Farooq at Hellow dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a ammazing Delicious Rice Balls recipe tips hear.
Cooked rice 1 cup,ChickenClick to find more about Chicken boiled and chopped 1/4 cup or vegetables like capsicum,cabbageClick to find more about cabbage, Chopped
Cheese 1/2 cup,2 tbs parselay,Lemon juice few spoons,1 egg,SaltClick to find more about Salt 1tsp,Black peppers 1/2 tsp,Green chilliClick to find more about Green chilli 1 chopped,Bread crumbs,Chutney for serving,Butter 1 tsp,1/2 cup tomatoe ketchup,Chopped corriander leaves.
Cook rice in water , dry the water, and cool them down. Dont drain water, otherwise they dont stick together.Then add chickenClick to find more about chicken or vegetables or u can add both.Add lemon juice, saltClick to find more about salt, peppers and cheese.Mix it very well.Now make balls from the mixture.Beat egg with little milk. Dip the balls first in egg and then coat them with crumbs.Deep fry it. Serve warm with the following chutney.Please keep watching our website


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