Delicious Fruit Yogurt

Delicious Fruit Yogurt

Delicious Fruit Yogurt recipe by M Bilal Farooq at Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Delicious Fruit Yogurt recipe tips hear.
1800 g yogurt,3-4 apples,3-4 bananas,Pinch red chillies,Pinch of salt,2 to 2-1/2 cup sugar,5-6 dates,4-5 almonds.if u can not get hold of sweet yogurt, then add an extra half a cup of sugar.
Empty yogurt into big bowl and beat well.Add the salt, chillies and sugar and beat well again.Now peel and slice the apples and babanas into small cubes.Add these to the yogurt and mix.Now boil the almonds for 5 minutes. Slice the dates and almonds into long strips and sprinkle them on top of the yogurt.The fruit yogurt is now ready to eat!!! Enjoy!!!.Please keep watching our website


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