Delicious Lettuce And Egg Salad


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Delicious Lettuce And Egg Salad

Delicious Lettuce And Egg Salad recipe by M Bilal Farooq at Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Delicious Lettuce And Egg Salad tips hear.
8 eggs,1 tspn of crushed black peppercorn,A bunch of lettuce leaves,6 tblspns of vinegar,Salt to taste,1 tspn mustard powder,1 tspn white pepper powder,2 tblspns salad oil.
Boil eggs in water for twelve minutes.Cool them, peel and place in cold water. Wash the lettuce leaves in running water and keep in chilled water.Cut eggs into pieces.Tear lettuce leaves with hand and gently mix eggs with them.Make a dressing by mixing salt, white pepper powder, crushed black peppercorns,vinegar, mustard powder and salad oil.Mix this gently with the prepared lettuce and eggs.Please keep watching our website


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