Special Chicken Salad


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Special Chicken Salad

Special Chicken Salad recipe by M Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Special Chicken Salad tips hear.
175 grams Chicken,1-2 nos. Tomatoes,1 no. Green chilli,1 small Cucumber,1/2 bunch Lettuce leaves.1 small Onion,2 tablespoons Chopped coriander leaves,2 teaspoons Cumin seeds,2 tablespoons Lemon juice,As per requirement Salt,As per requirement Pepper powder.
Boil and shred the chicken.Blanch the tomatoes and cube them.Finley chop the onion and chilli.Coarsely shred the lettuce. 
Peel and finely chop the cucumber.Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl.Keep aside for 10 minutes before serving to let the flavours blend together.Please keep watching our website www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com


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