Spicy Fish Tikka recipe by M Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Spicy Fish Tikka recipe tips hear.
45 gms fish boneless,3 small pieces of ginger,6 green cardamoms,3-4 tsp yogurt.Salt to taste,1-5 garlic flakes,1 1/2 tsp red chillie powder,1/4 tsp cinnamon powde, 1 small piece of mace,1/2 tsp orange colour.
Wash the fish without bones then dry with cloth, cut into medium size pieces.Grind garlic and ginger finely.Mix all the ground ingredients, color,salt and red chillie powder into yogurt rub on the fish pieces and keep for one hour.Stick on iron rod, then put on medium fire of charcoal grill.Turn them frequently or grill untill nicely browned.Serve with mint chutney and rice.Please keep watching our website www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com
Bilal Farooq
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