Spicy Pasta Salad


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Spicy Pasta Salad

Spicy Pasta Salad recipe by M Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Spicy Pasta Salad tips hear.
2 cups of Romano Lettuce,1 finley diced Tomato,1 finely Diced Cucumber,1 grated carrot,1/4 cup of ine chopped parsly,2 spoons of mayo,1/2 spoon black pepper,1 box of Moccorni/Noodles,1 spoon salt to tase,vineger:Italian Dressing 3 spoons,1 spoon of Olive Oil,3 Spoons of Lemon Juice.
Boil Noodles until Cooked.Add rest of the ingridients in a large salad bowl.After Noodles are cooked rinse them in cold water to cool down.Add mayo, then Noodles into the Bowl Mitxure and Enjoy!!!! Please keep watching our website www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com


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