Besan Ka Halwa

Besan Ka Halwa

Besan Ka Halwa recipe by  Bilal Farooq at Hellow dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Besan Ka Halwa recipe tips hear.
1 cup basin,1 cup refined flour,1.5 cup oil,1 cup water,1 cup sugar.
Boil sugar in water, for making sheera(sweet water). set this aside.First cook basin in oil, for 15-20 minutes over low heat.Then add flour to the pan & cook it along with the basin for 8 minutes.Keep stirring.Then take the pan off the stove & add the sweet water to it.Spread it on a tray.If you like after it cools cut into square or kite shaped pieces for serving.Please keep watching our website

1 comment:

  1. This is the recipe I have been looking for to make during the winter season. I hope this recipe gives good results. Thanks for sharing.


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