Schezwan Sauce

Schezwan Sauce

Schezwan Sauce recipe by Bilal Farooq at Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Schezwan Sauce recipe tips hear.
Authentic shezwan sauce recipe is no more difficult to prepare at home. Prepare and fill jar use for shezwan rice, schezwan noodles and chinese bhel etc.
Source: Bilal Farooq

Dried red chilies 6-7
Oil 3 tbsp
Soya sauce 1 tsp
Chili sauce 2 tsp
Garlic 3 tbsp
Ginger ½ tsp
Salt ½ tsp
White pepper ½ tsp
Sugar ½ tsp
Vinegar 1 tsp.

Cooking Directions:
Soak Kashmiri chilies in water discard seeds and grind to make smooth paste.
Heat oil in frying pan and add garlic and ginger paste and sauté.
Now add chili paste fry well till smell removes.
Add salt, white pepper, chili sauce and soya sauce fry more for 2, 3 minutes.
Now add ½ cup of water and adjust thick consistency.
Add vinegar and sugar mix well and remove.
Let cool and fill into jar and refrigerate.


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