Sweet And Sour Pasta Salad


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Sweet And Sour Pasta Salad

Sweet And Sour Pasta Salad recipe by Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Sweet And Sour Pasta Salad recipe tips hear.
Salad enhance the table's varitey and meal's nutritions also. Try out new recipes in your dinner or lunch parties and enjoy. This sweet n sour pasta salad would be a fantastic addition of your menu.
Source: Bilal Farooq

Shell pasta ½ packet
Tomato ketchup 1 cup
Pineapple cubes 1 tin
Cucumber sliced 2
Carrot sliced 2
Capsicum sliced 2
Boiled almond 10
Parsley as required
Black pepper crushed ½ tbsp
Brown sugar 2 tbsp
Salad oil 2 tbsp
Lemon juice 2 tbsp
Brown vinegar 3 tbsp
Oil for stir frying 2-3 tbsp
Salt to taste.

Cooking Directions:
In a large pot of boiling, salted water cook the pasta to al dente.
Drain, place in a large bowl and set aside.
To make the dressing mix together tomato, ketchup, brown vinegar, brown sugar, salad oil and salt.
Place the drained pasta in a large bowl.
Finely slice cucumber, carrot and capsicum.
Mix with the pasta along with the pineapple chunks.
Pour the dressing over the pasta.
Add lemon juice, black pepper, salt and chopped parsley.
Gently mix the salad cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Before serving garnish with stir fried almonds.


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