Rice Cake


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Rice Cake

Rice Cake recipe by M Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipsPK.blogspot.com Hellow dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a ammazing Rice Cake recipe tips hear.This dish is not only pretty it tastes good too!Rice Cake goes very well with any meat dish.
3 cups boiled rice,1 cup ketchup,1 cup green peas boiled,2 egg omelette,1 cup cooked mince,1 bowl for baking.
Take a baking bowl and make layer of rice then add 2 tabble spoon of Ketchup then 1 omlate then 1 thick layer of mince and green peas.Repeat this step and make 3 layers like this.Put this bowl in hot oven for 5 to 10 min.Take this cake out in a serving dish making sure it wont break. Decorte it with ketchup or however you want.Please keep watching our website www.recipestipsPK.blogspot.com


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