Spicy Fish In Sauce

Spicy Fish In Sauce

Spicy Fish In Sauce recipe by M Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Spicy Fish In Sauce recipe tips hear.
Any white fish sliced into 10 pieces,2 onions sliced& deep fried,2 onions finely chopped,4 large tomatoes skinned & chopped,1/2 bunch fresh corriander finely chopped,1/2 cup vinegar2 eggs,1/2 cup sugar,1 cup gram flour or rice flour,Salt to taste,1 tbsp chilly powder.Grind in a little water:2 tbsp. cumin seeds,2 pods garlic & 18 deseeded green chillies.
Cook 2 chopped onions in oil,when they become soft, add ground masala & fry till roasted.In a blender or in a glass bowl, combine 1 cup gram flour or rice flour, chilli powder, chopped tomatoes, 3 beaten eggs, sugar, vinegar & blend it to a smooth paste.(not thick)Add this to the onion/masala mixture with 3 cups of water & stir nonstop to a smooth gravy.Do not let it thick.Wash the fish slices & boil them slightly.Add the slices to the sauce with salt to taste.Shake the pan so that fish do not break.If the sauce thickens, add some fish boiled water to the consistrancy you want.Garnish with chopped corriander & fried sliced onions.This sauce is to be eaten with yellow fluffy rice, accompanied with papadams & pickle.Please keep watching our website www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com


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