Spicy Fish In Herb Sauce

Spicy Fish In Herb Sauce

Spicy Fish In Herb Sauce recipe by M Bilal Farooq at www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com Hello dear visitors, Today im going to share with you a amazing Spicy Fish In Herb Sauce recipe tips hear.
500 gms. fish cut into 5-6 pieces,1 tsp. ginger paste,1 tsp. garlic paste,3-4 green chillies, cut very finely or minced,1 tsp. salt or to taste,2 tsp. lemon juice,1/2 tsp. ajwain,1/2 tsp. pepper.,For the Sauce:2 tbsp. fresh coriander leaves,18-20 poodina leaves,2 tsp. lemon juice,1/2 tsp. salt,1/4 cup water,1 tsp. cornflour dissolved in 1 tbsp. water.
Mix all the ingredients given under fish. Rub them well over the fish.Place in a dish in a single layer. Micro high uncovered 2 mins.Turn over fish with tongs or spoon. Again micro high uncovered 2 mins.Remove fish to a plate. In the dish in which fish was cooked (there may be some juices present), add all ingredients under sauce ingredients. Mix well.Micro high uncovered 2 mins, stir once after 1 minute.Spoon this sauce over fish. Cover and micro high 2 mins.Serve hot.Please keep watching our website www.recipestipspk.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Jis haal mai jina mushkil ho us haal mai jina lazim hai! bs kr do zalimo.


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